How do weather conditions affect your claim in Connecticut?

In Connecticut, we face a mix of weather conditions throughout the year. From icy roads in winter to rainy springs and summers filled with thunderstorms, each season brings its own driving challenges.

How Weather Affects Car Accidents

Bad weather can make driving risky. Rain and snow reduce visibility and make roads slippery, while fog can make it hard to see ahead. As a result, accidents are more likely to happen.

Common Injuries from Weather-Related Accidents

Injuries from weather-related accidents can be serious, from whiplash to broken bones or concussions.

Determining Fault in Bad Weather

Deciding who’s at fault in a weather-related accident can be tough. Drivers need to be extra careful in bad weather, and failure to do so can lead to accidents in which they will be responsible.  Adverse driving conditions require extra care when operating a vehicle. 

Get Help from Our Car Accident Attorneys

If you’ve been in a weather-related accident, our team at Pazzaglia Law is here to help. Call us at (860) 691-1184 for a free consultation. We’ll fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve.

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