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Understanding Motorcycle Bias in Accident Claims

Motorcycle accidents often result in severe, life-altering injuries. Unfortunately, injured motorcyclists face an additional challenge: deep-seated biases that can hinder their claims against motorists or insurance companies. Many perceive motorcyclists as reckless and dangerous, affecting witnesses, first responders, judges, juries, and insurance adjusters. Understanding these biases is crucial when filing a claim. At Pazzaglia Law, our experienced personal injury lawyers work to combat “motorcycle bias” and secure the settlement or verdict you deserve.

Common Biases Against Motorcyclists

Several common biases against motorcyclists include beliefs that:

  • Motorcycles are difficult to see on the road.
  • Motorcycles are excessively fast or loud.
  • Motorcyclists are inherently risk-takers.
  • Motorcycling is a risky behavior, and riders assume road risks knowingly.
  • Motorcyclists, often perceived as irresponsible young men, are prone to dangerous behavior.

These biases can make people more likely to fault motorcyclists in accidents.

Insurance Company Biases

Insurance companies also hold biases against motorcyclists, partly due to statistics showing higher fatality rates in motorcycle accidents. This higher rate results from motorcyclists’ limited protections and smaller vehicle sizes, not necessarily reckless riding. Insurers might believe motorcyclists’ injuries stem from poor decisions, such as not wearing helmets. In Connecticut, helmets are not mandatory, although two-thirds of riders wear them. Bias from insurance companies can lead to claim denials or reduced compensation, leaving motorcyclists struggling with medical bills and daily expenses.

Overcoming Motorcycle Bias

When filing a motorcycle accident claim, Pazzaglia Law works diligently to address and overcome potential biases. This strategy ensures fair consideration of your claim. We utilize accident reconstruction experts to present compelling evidence, such as photographs, diagrams, videos, and analyses of vehicle damage, to counter assumptions of reckless driving. Additionally, we address biases during jury selection to ensure jurors are aware of and not unconsciously influenced by motorcycle bias. Witness testimonies from friends and family can also emphasize that you are a safe, law-abiding rider, helping separate you from negative stereotypes.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact the attorneys at Pazzaglia Law for a free consultation. Call us at (860) 691-1184 or contact us online. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of your claim and fight for the compensation you deserve.

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