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Injured by a Connecticut Driver Under the Influence of Marijuana? We Can Help

State law clearly states that drugged driving is a type of driving under the influence. Drivers who cause crashes while high face the same penalties as those who cause accidents while drunk.

Since 2012, medical marijuana has been legal in Connecticut. Recreational marijuana use became legal in 2021, and retail sales started earlier this year. This shift has significant implications for personal injury claims after motor vehicle accidents. Police departments are concerned that impaired driving incidents might rise due to increased marijuana use, potentially leading to more crashes.

Marijuana’s Impact on Drivers

Marijuana affects a driver’s cognitive functions, making it harder to operate a vehicle. It impairs motor skills, reaction time, tracking ability, peripheral vision, decision-making, judgment, and impulse control. These impairments increase the likelihood of accidents, especially if combined with other intoxicants like alcohol. Despite these risks, many drivers are less aware of the dangers of driving high compared to driving drunk, sometimes mistakenly believing it improves their driving.

Connecticut’s DUI Law

Connecticut’s DUI law covers more than just alcohol. It includes driving under the influence of any drug, including marijuana. This means that drivers caught driving high face the same criminal penalties as drunk drivers, such as license suspension, fines, or jail time. They can also be held liable in civil court through personal injury lawsuits.

Determining Fault

Proving marijuana impairment in drivers is more challenging than proving alcohol impairment. While blood-alcohol tests are straightforward, there is no equivalent for THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. THC’s effects vary greatly between individuals, and it can linger in the bloodstream long after the high wears off. This complexity requires investigating other factors at the crash scene, such as police observations, witness statements, and physical evidence.

Consequences of a DUI Accident

Accidents caused by marijuana impairment can be as severe as those caused by drunk driving, potentially leading to wrongful death. If a marijuana-impaired driver injures you, we can help secure compensation for your losses. We collaborate with medical professionals and economists to quantify the financial impact, including medical expenses, lost wages, and diminished quality of life.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one were involved in an accident caused by a driver under the influence, contact Pazzaglia Law for a free consultation. Call us at (860) 691-1184 or contact us online.

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